Sustainability Report

This sustainability report highlights Samanta’s commitment to sustainability in the context of our on-demand interpreting services provided through a video call system.

We recognise the importance of integrating sustainable practices into our operations and strive to contribute to a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible future within the interpreting industry. 

Environmental Sustainability:

  1. Carbon footprint reduction by 98% - as an on-demand video call interpreting service, we leverage technology to minimise the need for physical transportation, thereby reducing carbon emission associated with travel. By enabling remote communication, we help mitigate the environmental impact of traditional interpreting services that require interpreters to travel to different locations

  2. Energy Efficient- we prioritise the use of energy- efficient technologies, including video conferencing platforms that optimise energy consumption. Our services are enabled only on devices which meet certain energy efficient standards. We encourage interpreters and clients to use devices with high energy- efficiency ratings and promote practices like turning off cameras and devices when not in use. 

Social responsibility:

  1. Language access, diversity and inclusion- Samanta aims to provide language access services that promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for individuals with limited language proficiency. By offering on-demand video call interpreting, we help bridge language barriers and ensure that people can access vital services, such as healthcare, legal support, education and employment, regardless of their language skills. 

  2. Ethical practices – we uphold ethical standards through our operations, we implemented policies that ensures fair treatment, prohibit discrimination and maintain a safe and inclusive work environment. 

  3. Community engagement -We actively engage with local communities and support initiatives that align with our sustainability goals. This includes volunteering, charitable contributions and partnerships with non profit organisations. 

Ethical Standards:

We adhere to strict ethical standards in our interpreting services. Our interpreters undergo rigorous skill testing and follow professional codes of conduct, ensuring privacy, confidentiality and cultural sensitivity in their interpretation. 

Economic sustainability:

  1. Cost efficiency – by leveraging video call technology, Samanta offers a cost-effective solution for interpreting services. This can benefit organisations and individuals by reducing expenses associated with travel, accommodation, and other logistical costs typically incurred in traditional interpreting arrangements. 

  2. Economic Growth and Job Creation – our on- demand video call interpreting services contribute to global economic growth by expanding language access and enabling cross- border communication. We provide employment opportunities for skilled interpreters, fostering professional development and supporting the interpreting industry. 

  3. Transparent prices and fair compensation – Samanta ensures transparency pricing structures, provides clients with clear and competitive rates. We strive to offer fair compensation to interpreters regardless of their location, recognising their expertise and value they bring to the interpreting process. 

Samanta’s on-demand video call interpreting services embraces sustainability by minimising environmental impact, promoting social inclusion and contributing to economic growth.  

Through our commitment to technological innovation, ethical practices and accessibility, we aim to provide efficient and effective language solutions while prioritising sustainability in the interpreting industry.

Get started with Samanta, today.